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What is the price of Moonriver?

The price of Moonriver (MOVR) is $8.39 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $2,583,421. This represents a -0.63% price decline in the last 24 hours and a 3.43% price increase in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 6.7 Million MOVR, Moonriver is valued at a market cap of $55,949,148 . Where can you buy Moonriver?

What is Moonriver (movr)?

Moonriver is an Ethereum-compatible, smart-contract parachain on Kusama. It is intended to be a companion network to Moonbeam, where it will provide a permanently incentivized canary network. New code will ship to Moonriver first, where it can be tested and verified under real economic conditions.

Does Moonriver need a utility token?

As a decentralized smart contract platform, Moonriver requires a utility token to function. MOVR is central to the design of Moonriver and cannot be removed without sacrificing essential functionality. The Moonriver token uses include:

What is Moonriver (Moonbeam)?

The Moonbeam Foundation created Moonriver to be an Ethereum-compatible blockchain environment on the Kusama (KSM) network. Moonriver is intended to operate on Kusama as a parachain, helping crypto projects expand their reach to new users and markets with a multi-chain approach.

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